Novi Heder 2021 001 1

August 2011


Ай, волна

×There is no translation available! Перевод недоступен!Песня  „Ай, волна“ группы Мельница написана на основе рассказа Милорада Павича „Долгое ночное плавание“ (Вывернут read more..


Unveiled a monument dedicated to Milorad Pavic

In the newly reconstructed Tasmajdan park 8th June 2011, in downtown of Belgrade a monument dedicated to Milorad Pavic was unveiled . Monument was revealed by Serbian President Bor... read more..


Facsimile of the Milorad Pavic’s handwriting „Dictionary of the Khazars“ gifted to the Republic of the Azerbaijan

At the opening ceremony of Embassy of the Republic of the Azerbaijan 8th June 2011. in Belgrade, Milorad Pavic’s Bequest an Foundation gave to the city of Baku facsimile of the man... read more..

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