Bed for Three - Krevet za tri osobe, Serbian National Theater Novi Sad, directed by Dejan Mijač, 1975 – Novi Sad
Red Queen - Crvena Kraljica, TV premiere: TV Novi Sad, directed by Miro Međimorac, 31. 8. 1981 – Novi Sad
The Wedgwood Tea Set or Abduction of Europe - Vedžvudov pribor za čaj, ili otmica Evrope, TV premiere: TV Novi Sad, directed by Aleksandar Fotez, January 1982 – Novi Sad
Landscape Painted with Tea - Predeo slikan čajem, Zenica National Theater, directed by Vladimir Milčin, 1989 – Zenica
Angel with glasses and Angel with tobacco pipe - Anđeo s naočarima i Anđeo s lulom, Poetry Theater Belgrade, directed by Uroš Glovacki. 1990 – Belgrade; Theater „Dobrica Milutinović“, 1992 – Sremska Mitrovica
Vertep, Mitelfest, The Pentagonal's Theatre Festival, directed by Giorgio Presburger, 1991 – Cividale (Landscape Painted with Tea, part of the novel)
Dictionary of the Khazars – Dream hunters - Le Dictionnaire Khazar - les Chasseurs de Rêves, La Compagnie des Petits Châteaux, directed by Emmanuelle Weisz, 1991- 1992 (played in the castles of France - le Château de Chamarande, le Château du Bois Groult en Normandie); 2015, Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris
Byzantine blue - Vizantijsko plavo - movie, directed by Dragan Marinković, producer VANS (Dejan Vražalić), 1993, Beograd, Herceg-Novi; 1994, Paris, Athens
Byzantine blue – movie scene
Byzantine blue - music
Mountains Made of Barking (ballet and movie by motives from Dictionary of the Khazars), dance groupe Ultima Vez, directed by Wim Vandekeybus, 1994, Royal Flemish Theatre – Brussels; 21. VIII 1995, International Teaterfestival Waves, Vordingborg
Forever and a Day - Вечность и еще один день, Chamber Theatre of the City of Voronezh, directed by Mikhail Bichov, 2000 – Voronezh
Dictionary of the Khazars - Хазарский словарь, Theatre Osobniak, directed by Aleksey Slusarchuk, 2002 – Sankt Petersburg
Dictionary of the Khazars - Pandur Theaters, directed by Tomaž Pandur, 2002 – Belgrade, Ljubljana, 2003 – Novi Sad (Sterijino pozorje)

Forever and a Day - Вечность и еще один день, Moscow Artistic Academic Theatre “Chekhov” (MHAT - Москoвский Худoжественный теaтр имени А. П. Чехова), directed by Vladimir Petrov; 2002 – Moscow

Dictionary of the Khazars - Pandur Theaters; TV feuilleton - Label and copyright: RTS; Author Olivera Milošević; Directed by Ana Maria Rossi
Forever and a Day - Zauvek i dan više, directed by Melina Pota-Koljević, Đurđa Tešić, Ivana Vujić and Dragana Nikolić, Radio Beograd, May 2002. (Radio-drama, a four-version megaproject, broadcast by Radio Belgrade 2 in May 2002. Radio adaptation by Vladimir B. Popović)
Dictionary of the Khazars - Chazarský slovník, Multimedia performance at the Synagogue, 2003 – Prague
Bed for Three - Кровать для троих, LENSOVET Theatre, directed by Vladimir Petrov, 2003 – Saint Petersburg
Dictionary of the Khazars - Das Chasarische Worterbuch, Neue Akzente Festival, directed by Dorothea Schroeder and Nina Guhlstorff, 2003 – Augsburg
Dictionary of the Khazars, 45 Bleecker Theatre, directed by Erica Gould; 2003 – New York
Bed for Three - Кровать для троих, Dramteatar, directed by Vitalij Zaharov; 2004 – Prokopevsk
Forever and a Day - Засекогаш и уште еден ден, National Theater Bitola (FYR Macedonia), directed by Martin Kočovski; April 2004 – Bitolj
Forever and a Day - Завинаги и още един ден, Rhodopean Drama Theatre “Nikolay Haytov”, directed by Krasimir Rankov; 2006 – Sofiа
Bathroom Wedding - Svadba u kupatilu, Theatre in Terazije, directed by Saša Gabrić; 2007 – Belgrade
Bed for Three (musical) – Кровать для троих, Company “Krass”, directed by Maria de Valuhoff, April 2010 – Moscow
Star Cape - Mantia de stele, Teatrul Mic, directed by Nona Ciobanu, April 2010. – Bucharest
Petkutin and Kalina (Play Pavich) - Petkutin i Kalina (Play Pavich) , Theatre Prijedor, adapted and directed by Gradimir Gojer, 7th May 2011 – Prijedor
Dictionary of the Khazars. Children of Dreams - Słownik Chazarski. Dzieci Snów, Jan Kochanowski Theatre, directed by Paweł Passini, 11th February 2012 – Opole, Poland
Bed for Three - Krevet za troje, Radio Belgrade 2, directed by Milan Jelić, adaptation by Vladimir B. Popović, December 2012 – Belgrade
LEXICON-lite – Female version-remix, Theatre Osobniak, 2016 – Saint Petersburg
Hazarski rečnik – Lovci na snove – Dictionary of the Khazars - Dream Hunters, Ballet, National Theater and Madlenianum, directed by Livija Pandur, coreography by Ronald Savković, May 2018 – Belgrade

Forever and a Day - Вечность и еще один день, Sidelines Theater (Театр на обочине), directed by Marina Livinskaya; 2018 - Penza, Russia
Bed for Three - Krevet za troje, Kulturni centar "Vlada Divljan", Directed by Ana Popović i Marija Barna-Lipovski, Novembar 2019 - Belgrade

Forever and a Day - Zauvek i dan više, Dramska sekcija Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, directed by Nina Stokić, jul 2021 - Novi Sad
More photos site / author: Milana Vukomanović.
Višnja sa zlatnom košticom - Cherry with a Gold Pit, Camera Opera, composer David Mastikosa, Banja Luka (BiH), 2023.
The Dream Translator Sect (based Milorad Pavic's novel "Dictionary of the Khazars"), New Riga Theater, director Alvis Hermanis, March, 2024