Novi Heder 2021 001 1



„Живой Хазарский Словарь“

×There is no translation available! Перевод недоступен! В основу создания беспрецедентного future-media-проекта: «Хазарский словарь LIVE» положен роман Милорада Павича «Хаз read more..


Milorad Pavić – TWO YEARS LATER: Translation, editions and theatre performances

In 2010. and 2011. around the world have emerged new or restored editions of books by Milorad Pavić. There are some twenty new translations. Thus in Russia were republished novel read more..


Ай, волна

×There is no translation available! Перевод недоступен!Песня  „Ай, волна“ группы Мельница написана на основе рассказа Милорада Павича „Долгое ночное плавание“ (Вывернут read more..


Unveiled a monument dedicated to Milorad Pavic

In the newly reconstructed Tasmajdan park 8th June 2011, in downtown of Belgrade a monument dedicated to Milorad Pavic was unveiled . Monument was revealed by Serbian President Bor... read more..


Facsimile of the Milorad Pavic’s handwriting „Dictionary of the Khazars“ gifted to the Republic of the Azerbaijan

At the opening ceremony of Embassy of the Republic of the Azerbaijan 8th June 2011. in Belgrade, Milorad Pavic’s Bequest an Foundation gave to the city of Baku facsimile of the man... read more..


Milorad Pavić’s monument arrived from Azerbaijan

On Friday 20th May through diplomatic cargo flight, bronze monument of  Serbian writer Milorad Pavić arrived from Azerbaijan. Official unveiling ceremony will be arranged 8t read more..


Drama For Ever and A Day entitled Petkutin i Kalina performed in the Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

In theater Prijedor (Republika Srpska) a play Petkutin i Kalina had its premiere on 7 May 2011th, by texts of Milorad Pavić and the adaptation of director Gradimir Gojer from Saraj... read more..


Milorad Pavić on Amazon Kindle Reader

Earlier this May Jasmina Mihajlović a writer, who manages Milorad Pavić’s Bequest and Foundation held lecture in Institute for Literature and Arts, entitled „ M. Pavić novels on E-... read more..


At the University of Venice defended Master thesis on the M. Pavic’s work

Earlier this march at Venice University (Università Ca’Foscari di Venezia Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere), Bojana Marcello Grimani defended the Master thesis entitled TH... read more..


The memorial plate dedicated to Milorad Pavić at the University of Novi Sad

The memorial plate dedicated to Milorad Pavić was announced on February 21st, at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. In the memory of the famous Serbian writer and author of the read more..

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